Friday, November 20, 2009


Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 1
III B.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2009
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.
I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. First normal form states that [ ]

a) Primary key fields should contain only atomic values.

b) Non-key fields should contain only atomic values.

c) Every field should contain only atomic values.

d) All the above.

2. Fan-out of the tree is [ ]

a) The average number of children of a root node.

b) The average number of children of a non leaf node.

c) The average number of children of a leaf node.

d) The average number of children of all node.

3. The transaction identifier field of an update log record is. [ ]

a) The unique identifier of the transaction that performed write operation.

b) The unique identifier of the data item written.

c) The value of the data item prior to the write.

d) All the above.

4. In hash based indexing, a bucket consists of [ ]

a) A primary page. b) Pages linked in chain

c) Both a& b d)None.

5. When a file is organized so that the ordering of data records is same as or close to the ordering of data entries in same index, then the index is [ ]

a) Unclustered. b) Clustered. c) Both a & b. d) None.

6. Shadow paging technique maintains the following tables for crash-recovery [ ]

a) Page table & shadow page table.

b) Current page table & shadow page table.

c) Shadow page table.

d) Page table, shadow page table &Current page table.

7. Define page I/O [ ]

a) Input from disk to main memory.

b) Input from main memory to disk.

c) Output from disk to main memory and Input from main memory to disk

d) Input from disk to main memory and Output from main memory to disk.


Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 1

8. In hash based indexing, a hash function applied to the search key is used to find [ ]

a) Bucket number. b)Primary page. c) Record. d) A page.

9. A primary index is [ ]

a) An index on a set of fields that includes the Candidate Key.

b) An index on a set of fields that excludes the Candidate key.

c) An index on a set of fields that includes the Primary key.

d) An index on a set of fields that excludes all the key attributes.

10. For a FD X->Y, if some attribute A€X can be removed from X and the dependency still holds then it is
[ ]
a) Full Functional Dependency. b) Trivial FD. c) Partial FD. d) Multivalued FD.
II. Fill in the Blanks:

11. If every non prime attribute A in R is fully functionally dependent on the primary key attribute of R, then R is said to be in _________________

12. If X->Y is an FD and there exists a set of attributes Z that is neither a key nor a subset of any key of R and both X->Y and Z->y hold, then it is ____________

13. The unit of information read from or written to disk is_____________

14. In tree-based Indexing, the actual data is stored at _________________

15. Properties of a transaction are ______________, ______________, ___________, Durability.

16. After the transaction has been rolled back and the Database has been restored to its state prior to the start of the transaction is the _____________ state of a transaction.

17. In __________________ mode a transaction Ti on an item Q, can read, but cannot write Q.

18. The Log is a sequence of ____________, recording all the update activities in the Database.

19. ______________ is a checkpoint where transactions are allowed to perform updates even while buffer blocks are being written out.

20. A data structure that organizes data records on disk to optimize certain kinds of retrieval operation is __________________.

Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 2
III B.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2009
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. In hash based indexing, a bucket consists of [ ]
a. A primary page. b. Pages linked in chain c. Both a& b d. None.
2. When a file is organized so that the ordering of data records is same as or close to the ordering of data
entries in same index, then the index is [ ]

a. Unclustered. b. Clustered. c. Both a & b. d.None.

3. Shadow paging technique maintains the following tables for crash-recovery [ ]

a. Page table & shadow page table.

b.Current page table & shadow page table.

c. Shadow page table.

d.Page table, shadow page table &Current page table.

4. Define page I/O [ ]
a. Input from disk to main memory.
b. Input from main memory to disk.
c. Output from disk to main memory and Input from main memory to disk
d .Input from disk to main memory and Output from main memory to disk.
5. In hash based indexing, a hash function applied to the search key is used to find [ ]
a.Bucket number. b.Primary page. c.Record. d.A page.
6. A primary index is [ ]

a. An index on a set of fields that includes the Candidate Key.

b. An index on a set of fields that excludes the Candidate key.

c. An index on a set of fields that includes the Primary key.

d. An index on a set of fields that excludes all the key attributes.

7. For a FD X->Y, if some attribute A€X can be removed from X and the dependency still holds then it is
[ ]
a. Full Functional Dependency. b. Trivial FD. c. Partial FD. d. Multivalued FD.
8. First normal form states that [ ]
a. Primary key fields should contain only atomic values.
b. Non-key fields should contain only atomic values.

c. Every field should contain only atomic values.

d. All the above.


Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 2
9. Fan-out of the tree is [ ]

a. The average number of children of a root node.

b. The average number of children of a non leaf node.

c. The average number of children of a leaf node.

d. The average number of children of all node.

10. The transaction identifier field of an update log record is. [ ]
a. The unique identifier of the transaction that performed write operation.
b. The unique identifier of the data item written.
c. The value of the data item prior to the write.
b. All the above.
II. Fill in the Blanks:
11. In tree-based Indexing, the actual data is stored at _________________
12. Properties of a transaction are ______________, ______________, ___________, Durability.
13. After the transaction has been rolled back and the Database has been restored to its state prior to the start
of the transaction is the _____________ state of a transaction.
14. In __________________ mode a transaction Ti on an item Q, can read, but cannot write Q.
15. The Log is a sequence of ____________, recording all the update activities in the Database.
16. ______________ is a checkpoint where transactions are allowed to perform updates even while buffer
blocks are being written out.
17. A data structure that organizes data records on disk to optimize certain kinds of retrieval operation is
18. If every non prime attribute A in R is fully functionally dependent on the primary key attribute of R, then
R is said to be in _________________
19. If X->Y is an FD and there exists a set of attributes Z that is neither a key nor a subset of any key of R
and both X->Y and Z->y hold, then it is ____________
20. The unit of information read from or written to disk is_____________
Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 3
III B.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2009
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. When a file is organized so that the ordering of data records is same as or close to the ordering of data
entries in same index, then the index is [ ]

a. Unclustered. b. Clustered. c. Both a & b. d.None.

2. Shadow paging technique maintains the following tables for crash-recovery [ ]

a. Page table & shadow page table.

b. Current page table & shadow page table.

c. Shadow page table.

d. Page table, shadow page table &Current page table.

3. Define page I/O [ ]

a. Input from disk to main memory.

b. Input from main memory to disk.

c. Output from disk to main memory and Input from main memory to disk

d. Input from disk to main memory and Output from main memory to disk.

4. In hash based indexing, a hash function applied to the search key is used to find [ ]

a. Bucket number. b. Primary page. c. Record. d. A page.

5. A primary index is [ ]

a. An index on a set of fields that includes the Candidate Key.

b. An index on a set of fields that excludes the Candidate key.

c. An index on a set of fields that includes the Primary key.

d. An index on a set of fields that excludes all the key attributes.

6. For a FD X->Y, if some attribute A€X can be removed from X and the dependency still holds then it is
[ ]
a. Full Functional Dependency. b. Trivial FD. c. Partial FD. d. Multivalued FD.
7. First normal form states that [ ]
a. Primary key fields should contain only atomic values.
b. Non-key fields should contain only atomic values.
c. Every field should contain only atomic values.
d. All the above.

Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 3
8. Fan-out of the tree is [ ]

a. The average number of children of a root node.

b. The average number of children of a non leaf node.

c. The average number of children of a leaf node.

d. The average number of children of all node.

9. The transaction identifier field of an update log record is. [ ]
a. The unique identifier of the transaction that performed write operation.
b. The unique identifier of the data item written.
c. The value of the data item prior to the write.
d. All the above.
10. In hash based indexing, a bucket consists of [ ]
a. A primary page. b. Pages linked in chain c. Both a& b d. None.
II. Fill in the Blanks:
11. After the transaction has been rolled back and the Database has been restored to its state prior to the start
of the transaction is the _____________ state of a transaction.
12. In __________________ mode a transaction Ti on an item Q, can read, but cannot write Q.
13. The Log is a sequence of ____________, recording all the update activities in the Database.
14. ______________ is a checkpoint where transactions are allowed to perform updates even while buffer
blocks are being written out.
15. A data structure that organizes data records on disk to optimize certain kinds of retrieval operation is
16. If every non prime attribute A in R is fully functionally dependent on the primary key attribute of R, then
R is said to be in _________________
17. If X->Y is an FD and there exists a set of attributes Z that is neither a key nor a subset of any key of R
and both X->Y and Z->y hold, then it is ____________
18. The unit of information read from or written to disk is_____________
19. In tree-based Indexing, the actual data is stored at _________________
20. Properties of a transaction are ______________, ______________, ___________, Durability.
Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 4
III B.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, November– 2009
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 20.
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. In hash based indexing, a hash function applied to the search key is used to find [ ]

a. Bucket number. b. Primary page. c. Record. d. A page.

2. A primary index is [ ]

a. An index on a set of fields that includes the Candidate Key.

b. An index on a set of fields that excludes the Candidate key.

c. An index on a set of fields that includes the Primary key.

d. An index on a set of fields that excludes all the key attributes.

3. For a FD X->Y, if some attribute A€X can be removed from X and the dependency still holds then it is
[ ]
a. Full Functional Dependency. b. Trivial FD. c. Partial FD. d. Multivalued FD.
4. First normal form states that [ ]
a. Primary key fields should contain only atomic values.
b. Non-key fields should contain only atomic values.
c. Every field should contain only atomic values.
d. All the above.
5. Fan-out of the tree is [ ]
a. The average number of children of a root node.

b. The average number of children of a non leaf node.

c. The average number of children of a leaf node.

d. The average number of children of all node.

6. The transaction identifier field of an update log record is. [ ]
a. The unique identifier of the transaction that performed write operation.
b. The unique identifier of the data item written.
c. The value of the data item prior to the write.
d. All the above.
7. In hash based indexing, a bucket consists of [ ]
a. A primary page. b. Pages linked in chain c. Both a& b d. None.
8. When a file is organized so that the ordering of data records is same as or close to the ordering of data
entries in same index, then the index is [ ]
a. Unclustered. b. Clustered. c. Both a & b. d.None.

Code No: 07A5EC15 Set No. 4
9. Shadow paging technique maintains the following tables for crash-recovery [ ]
a. Page table & shadow page table.
b. Current page table & shadow page table.
c. Shadow page table.
d. Page table, shadow page table &Current page table.
10. Define page I/O [ ]

a. Input from disk to main memory.

b. Input from main memory to disk.

c. Output from disk to main memory and Input from main memory to disk

d. Input from disk to main memory and Output from main memory to disk.

II. Fill in the Blanks:
11. The Log is a sequence of ____________, recording all the update activities in the Database.
12. ______________ is a checkpoint where transactions are allowed to perform updates even while buffer
blocks are being written out.
13. A data structure that organizes data records on disk to optimize certain kinds of retrieval operation is
14. If every non prime attribute A in R is fully functionally dependent on the primary key attribute of R, then
R is said to be in _________________
15. If X->Y is an FD and there exists a set of attributes Z that is neither a key nor a subset of any key of R
and both X->Y and Z->y hold, then it is ____________
16. The unit of information read from or written to disk is_____________
17. In tree-based Indexing, the actual data is stored at _________________
18. Properties of a transaction are ______________, ______________, ___________, Durability.
19. After the transaction has been rolled back and the Database has been restored to its state prior to the start
of the transaction is the _____________ state of a transaction.
20. In __________________ mode a transaction Ti on an item Q, can read, but cannot write Q.

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