Friday, November 20, 2009


Code No: 05221201 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term Examinations, Oct./Nov. – 2009
Objective Exam
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. Engineering architectural drawing commonly one of the following projection [ ]
A. orthographic projection B. axometric projection C. isometric projection D. parallel
2. Total number of objects that can be handled by z- buffer algorithm is [ ]
A. Fixed B. arbitrary C. only one D. zero
3. Transformation of objects from one form to another is called [ ]
A. Meta morphosis B. key frame system
C. celluloid transparencies D. physically based modeling
4. The painters algorithm sorts polygons by [ ]
A. Width B. length C. depth D. color
5. The scaling factor s>1 denotes the scaling of object as [ ]
A. magnification B. reduction C. canonical D. A and B
6. To establish the viewing coordinate reference frame a world coordination position is picked up called
[ ]
A. view reference point B. view plane C. twist angle D. view up vector
7. Startup and slowdown portions of an animation path can be modeled with [ ]
A. Line functions B. spline or trigonometric functions
C. Parabolic and cubic functions D. all the above
8. ______________ systems are animation languages designed to generate the in- betweens from the user
specified key frames. [ ]
A. Parameterized systems B. Key frame systems
C. Action specification D. Scripting systems
9. The interpolation curve is mathematical representation of [ ]
A. cubic spline B. ellipsoid C. beizer curves D. Bspline curve
10. An alternate method for joining two successive curve sections is to specify condition for [ ]
A. geometric continuity B. blending functions C. parametric continuity D. all

Code No: 05221201 -2- Set No. 1
II. Fill in the blanks:
11. When rotation applied in 3d along X-axis in 3D along x-axis then , the following is the representation
in matrix for ____________________________________ .
12. Top orthographic projection is called a ________________.
13. ___________________ defines the direction for the project lines.
14. _______ indicates the general shape of the curve.
15. _______ help to reduce computational effort.
16. The ______ is obtained by aligning the projection vector with cube diagonal.
17. In ______________ the system is responsible for determining the velocity and acceleration using
initial and final position of an object at any specified time.
18. __________ method can be applied by dividing the total viewing area into smaller and smaller
rectangles until each small area in the projection of part of a single visible surface or no surface at all.
19. ___________ allows object motion characteristics to be specified as adjustable parameters such as
degrees of freedom, motion limitations and allowable shape changes.
20. ________ method compares objects and parts of objects to each other with in the scene definition to
determine which surfaces to be labeled as visible.
Code No: 05221201 Set No. 2
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. The painters algorithm sorts polygons by [ ]
A. Width B. length C. depth D. color
2. The scaling factor s>1 denotes the scaling of object as [ ]
A. magnification B. reduction C. canonical D. A and B
3. To establish the viewing coordinate reference frame a world coordination position is picked up called
[ ]
A. view reference point B. view plane C. twist angle D. view up vector
4. Startup and slowdown portions of an animation path can be modeled with [ ]
A. Line functions B. spline or trigonometric functions
C. Parabolic and cubic functions D. all the above
5. ______________ systems are animation languages designed to generate the in- betweens from the user
specified key frames. [ ]
A. Parameterized systems B. Key frame systems
C. Action specification D. Scripting systems
6. The interpolation curve is mathematical representation of [ ]
A. cubic spline B. ellipsoid C. beizer curves D. Bspline curve
7. An alternate method for joining two successive curve sections is to specify condition for [ ]
A. geometric continuity B. blending functions C. parametric continuity D. all
8. Engineering architectural drawing commonly one of the following projection [ ]
A. orthographic projection B. axometric projection C. isometric projection D. parallel
9. Total number of objects that can be handled by z- buffer algorithm is [ ]
A. Fixed B. arbitrary C. only one D. zero
10. Transformation of objects from one form to another is called [ ]
A. Meta morphosis B. key frame system
C. celluloid transparencies D. physically based modeling

Code No: 05221201 -2- Set No. 2
II. Fill in the blanks:
11. _______ indicates the general shape of the curve.
12. _______ help to reduce computational effort.
13. The ______ is obtained by aligning the projection vector with cube diagonal.
14. In ______________ the system is responsible for determining the velocity and acceleration using
initial and final position of an object at any specified time.
15. __________ method can be applied by dividing the total viewing area into smaller and smaller
rectangles until each small area in the projection of part of a single visible surface or no surface at all.
16. ___________ allows object motion characteristics to be specified as adjustable parameters such as
degrees of freedom, motion limitations and allowable shape changes.
17. ________ method compares objects and parts of objects to each other with in the scene definition to
determine which surfaces to be labeled as visible.
18. When rotation applied in 3d along X-axis in 3D along x-axis then , the following is the representation
in matrix for ____________________________________ .
19. Top orthographic projection is called a ________________.
20. ___________________ defines the direction for the project lines.
Code No: 05221201 Set No. 3
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. To establish the viewing coordinate reference frame a world coordination position is picked up called
[ ]
A. view reference point B. view plane C. twist angle D. view up vector
2. Startup and slowdown portions of an animation path can be modeled with [ ]
A. Line functions B. spline or trigonometric functions
C. Parabolic and cubic functions D. all the above
3. ______________ systems are animation languages designed to generate the in- betweens from the user
specified key frames. [ ]
A. Parameterized systems B. Key frame systems
C. Action specification D. Scripting systems
4. The interpolation curve is mathematical representation of [ ]
A. cubic spline B. ellipsoid C. beizer curves D. Bspline curve
5. An alternate method for joining two successive curve sections is to specify condition for [ ]
A. geometric continuity B. blending functions C. parametric continuity D. all
6. Engineering architectural drawing commonly one of the following projection [ ]
A. orthographic projection B. axometric projection C. isometric projection D. parallel
7. Total number of objects that can be handled by z- buffer algorithm is [ ]
A. Fixed B. arbitrary C. only one D. zero
8. Transformation of objects from one form to another is called [ ]
A. Meta morphosis B. key frame system
C. celluloid transparencies D. physically based modeling
9. The painters algorithm sorts polygons by [ ]
A. Width B. length C. depth D. color
10. The scaling factor s>1 denotes the scaling of object as [ ]
A. magnification B. reduction C. canonical D. A and B

Code No: 05221201 -2- Set No. 3
II. Fill in the blanks:
11. The ______ is obtained by aligning the projection vector with cube diagonal.
12. In ______________ the system is responsible for determining the velocity and acceleration using
initial and final position of an object at any specified time.
13. __________ method can be applied by dividing the total viewing area into smaller and smaller
rectangles until each small area in the projection of part of a single visible surface or no surface at all.
14. ___________ allows object motion characteristics to be specified as adjustable parameters such as
degrees of freedom, motion limitations and allowable shape changes.
15. ________ method compares objects and parts of objects to each other with in the scene definition to
determine which surfaces to be labeled as visible.
16. When rotation applied in 3d along X-axis in 3D along x-axis then , the following is the representation
in matrix for ____________________________________ .
17. Top orthographic projection is called a ________________.
18. ___________________ defines the direction for the project lines.
19. _______ indicates the general shape of the curve.
20. _______ help to reduce computational effort.
Code No: 05221201 Set No. 4
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. ______________ systems are animation languages designed to generate the in- betweens from the user
specified key frames. [ ]
A. Parameterized systems B. Key frame systems
C. Action specification D. Scripting systems
2. The interpolation curve is mathematical representation of [ ]
A. cubic spline B. ellipsoid C. beizer curves D. Bspline curve
3. An alternate method for joining two successive curve sections is to specify condition for [ ]
A. geometric continuity B. blending functions C. parametric continuity D. all
4. Engineering architectural drawing commonly one of the following projection [ ]
A. orthographic projection B. axometric projection C. isometric projection D. parallel
5. Total number of objects that can be handled by z- buffer algorithm is [ ]
A. Fixed B. arbitrary C. only one D. zero
6. Transformation of objects from one form to another is called [ ]
A. Meta morphosis B. key frame system
C. celluloid transparencies D. physically based modeling
7. The painters algorithm sorts polygons by [ ]
A. Width B. length C. depth D. color
8. The scaling factor s>1 denotes the scaling of object as [ ]
A. magnification B. reduction C. canonical D. A and B
9. To establish the viewing coordinate reference frame a world coordination position is picked up called
[ ]
A. view reference point B. view plane C. twist angle D. view up vector
10. Startup and slowdown portions of an animation path can be modeled with [ ]
A. Line functions B. spline or trigonometric functions
C. Parabolic and cubic functions D. all the above

Code No: 05221201 -2- Set No. 4
II. Fill in the blanks:
11. __________ method can be applied by dividing the total viewing area into smaller and smaller
rectangles until each small area in the projection of part of a single visible surface or no surface at all.
12. ___________ allows object motion characteristics to be specified as adjustable parameters such as
degrees of freedom, motion limitations and allowable shape changes.
13. ________ method compares objects and parts of objects to each other with in the scene definition to
determine which surfaces to be labeled as visible.
14. When rotation applied in 3d along X-axis in 3D along x-axis then , the following is the representation
in matrix for ____________________________________ .
15. Top orthographic projection is called a ________________.
16. ___________________ defines the direction for the project lines.
17. _______ indicates the general shape of the curve.
18. _______ help to reduce computational effort.
19. The ______ is obtained by aligning the projection vector with cube diagonal.
20. In ______________ the system is responsible for determining the velocity and acceleration using
initial and final position of an object at any specified time.

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